Friday, May 6, 2011

Thoughts from my phone

Boredom can do wonders for the mind... I write down everything. Almost everything... Pencils are my best friends, when they're not around im forced to rely on my good old flip phone. It's capable of holding 130 characters, which is hardly enough for the random thoughts I have, hear and see, but regardless I'll share a few...

"you dont have to be a writer to write- you just have to be human. Everyone has thoughts and if you have thoughts you have something to write"-Dino

"people always say theyre scared of time, but they aren't scared of time, they're scared of what time will change... or what it won't change."

"I have seen tomorrow"- sign I read on the metro

"you know you want to deserve this"

"the world will change you. Does anything stay the same?"

Just a few quotes for thought :)

Current time 9:56pm

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