Sunday, May 22, 2011

Don't Be 2 Cool

Situation: Beach

If you're getting in the ocean- get in. Don't tiptoe across the foam that builds up in the sand and scream when a splash of water taps your fresh pedicure- If you're gonna do this, don't bother leaving your pink beach chair- load on the dark tanning oil and stick with the "I'm at the beach for fashion purposes only " vibe.

Situation: Gym

You're here to workout, to get fit, to shed a few cheeseburgers- take off the spandex/ sportbra outfit and wash that mascara off your eyes. This is not a fashion show- you are not a swimsuit model and sweating eyeliner is not attractive. Throw up your hair and plug in the Ipod. If you must rock the no clothes, all skin look- you better have a great bod and a serious workout goin on...

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