Saturday, May 7, 2011

Are we there yet

Mawbv2 will definitely be deaf by age 45. Her earphones just provided the car with music for the past hour... She somehow managed to sleep through the riot.

We just stopped at a creepy truck stop where red reminded us of the buddy system. For some reason that system never gets outdated. It has been more useful in my older years for bathroom trips at random parties or bars, but nevertheless it solidifies my theory that the fundamentals of life are learned in elementary school.

Back on the road... Time is 12:41am

Unforunately I'm holding in my "are we there yet's" ...something I could totally get away with in elementary school.

No, I don't think maturity is a fundamental of life I just think it's a useful trait to pick up on to avoid getting punched in the face...

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