Saturday, May 28, 2011


Have you ever sat down and painted?

I suggest you try it... with a cooler of beer by your side for the sake of boredom. You will get bored- takes too much concentration for relaxing, but finished project can be somewhat satisfying.

Painting really isn't my choice of past time, but beach traffic wasn't worth the sand and with no other outlet for entertainment, Dino and I bought some cheap acrylic paint and scribbled in the sunshine.

Boat in the moonlight        Palm tree at sunset

I know, my titles are incredibly original.... the paintings are done on the front and back of an old piece of wood that has probably been sitting in my Nana's garage for years. Being bored can sure bring out your creative side.

Dino paints on the reg- so I'm gonna use that as my excuse to why hers is better... Her painting is inspired by an original quote, "Never let life rest on a single hope."

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