Monday, May 2, 2011

America 4 Lyfe!

To avoid looking like a complete idiot, I watch the news every morning and briefly check headlines throughout the day. No, I still don't know what the hell is going on in this country, but the point is I do attempt to understand. Thanks to Social Networking- there is no freaking way I was missing this news. Osama Bin Laden= dead!... wonderful indeed, ten  years of his nonsense has finally been put to rest. Anyways two things I wanted to mention.

1. I log on to Facebook, knowing that everyone's status' would say something regarding USA! or Osama Sucks! something along those lines.. you get it. But what I did not expect to see was Ducky's attempt at taking over Al Queda.

Ducky is really searching for support, so give him a shout out if you approve his attempt to begin his reign.

2. Why Fox News... Why?

I took this picture from one of my friends who had put it on Facebook... this is truly embarassing and makes me think voting for Ducky wouldn't be the worst idea.

Regardless, this is a wonderful achievement for America. I was asked to come celebrate at the bar and also told to "Be American- drink a PBR"... I decided against both, but only because I'm waiting for the news regarding the epic drop in Fox News viewers.

Personal thought- I find it extremely odd that the Pakistan military failed to acknowlege Osama's presence, regardless of him apparently being in "plain sight" and "in their territory" ....oh fucking please Pakistan. Very sneaky to meeeeee. My morning news tells me Pakistani and US relations have been shakey, but how bad is it dudess? 

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