Tuesday, May 17, 2011


I've been extremely busy analyzing my life post Florida trip. After our 8:30 am arrival on saturday morning, I headed back to Culpeper to repack before our monday take off to north Carolina.... Hectic life-I know...

On Sunday I got suckered in to going to this family party with my parents. Its weird how as you age your parents get more and more lenient with how much they share about their past.

At 13 they assured me they got straight a's all through their academic careers. At 17 they swore they waited to drink alcohol until it was legal. Now that I'm 21 that apparently changes things. Their average grades mixed with their excessive drinking and pre marital child totally disregards the once superhuman view I had of them.

We're in the rainy Carolina weather rocking out to Eric church's song, "Carolina." as soon as we can all get up and moving we're gonna go make inappropriate memories so that we have something to keep from our kids until they turn 21.

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