Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Color me Carolina

I saw a paint shop sign that read, "Color me Carolina." For two weeks now, I've been trying to convince everyone that a song or poem could be written from this. What a brilliant line! A brilliant name for a shop!

For some reason, although I find this line wonderful, I haven't been able to pick out the words to follow it. Today, while wasting away at the beach, searching for some inspiration, I decided to force Dino into helping me write a poem based off "Color me Carolina"...

Color me Carolina; paint me in your sunset.
If there’s space for me between the orange and pink
I’ve heard I look good in peach.

Fill me with your salty air;
Pencil me into your breeze.
Bury me into the depths of your waters,
Wash me in blues and greens.

Build me a castle where the tide turns pastel
And I’ll live in sweet whispers of waves and seashells.

Draw me beneath the shade of your old palm trees
I’ll dream of setting sail into the furtive unseen
Wrap me in your seaweed;
Hold me hostage in your memories.

Color me Carolina; paint me in your sunset.
I could be one of your honeysuckle sun rays
Or fearlessly fall with your misty, afternoon rains.

Watercolor me atop your easel,
Collide me into the free souled seagulls.
Reveal the hidden bottles and messages I’ve missed,
Leave me sun kissed and optimistic.

Brush me into your sandy canvas lines,
Highlight a star for me in your magenta night sky

Blur me amongst your small towns;
Soak me in your sunflower seeds,
Find a place for me, Carolina.
Whether it be emerald land or your indigo sea-

Color me into the tints and hues of your history.

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