Friday, May 13, 2011

Goodbye Florida

Just got on 95... Goodbye Florida. We're going home "to the place where I belong." we decided that majority of this trip consisted of events that are not worth sharing. They will seem completely unrealistic to most- fabricated to those who can somewhat see the truth in them.

I mean who would believe we found 400 dollars? Who would believe we found ourselves in VIP status...twice? Who would believe that our mini van (yes we rocked a minivan all week) needed triple-a assistance at 4:30 in the morning because of a dead battery? who could possibly believe mawbv2 ate 2 double cheeseburgers and 2 snackwraps in one sitting? Who would believe that we posed as rich kids and strutted into the ritz carlton of palm beach for a quick tour, only leaving after mawbv2 dropped a 125 dollar piece of jewelery? Who would believe we got a free Corey smith and Easton Corbin concert? Who would believe we danced with midgets? Who in their right fucking mind would believe anything written in this blog?

I'll leave you with this... The best memories in life are undocumented- not because they aren't worth sharing,but because they aren't worth believing.

16 Hours to go- bring it on Friday the 13th

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