Sunday, May 8, 2011


I've decided wearing a boot for my broken foot is a positive- yes, it totally throws off the outfit,but it is the greatest conversation starter. For instance last night after explaining my injury over ten times to strangers I decided to switch up the story

Guy-what happened!?
Me- oh nothing I just wear it to draw attention to myself. It is the greatest conversation starter...

I didn't use that joke again anyways besides my boot being the center of attention, the best story of the night also involves myself... Duh

We started talking to these skater dudes simply for entertainment and because we could steal their table. I accidentally hit this guys arm and it went flyin off the table. No big deal right? Wrong I go to tap his arm to apologize and I notice it's fake.

Now before I continue let me make it clear that I am the most embarrassing/ awkward person known to human existence.

"'s fake... That's awesome..."

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