Saturday, May 7, 2011


Okay yes I am In the car in case anyone was wondering. I like to just listen to what everyone else is saying and watch what they are doing in hopes of me sneakly getting ahold of this so called blog. I purposely dont share my amazing stories or snore or listen to music. I like to pretend like I'm sleeping so that I don't draw attention to myself.

Here are the facts.

Blogspot writer does indeed snore the loudest and she likes to snuggle with us. She also obnoxiously changes the radio station until she finds a song she actually knows. She then sings it (with her beautiful voice I might add) to the entire van. My thoughts...stick to writing.

Mawbv#2 definitely listens to her music too loud. I completely respect the drowning out of blogspot writer but your music is just as obnoxious. As for your stories, they are not funny. My thoughts, stick to calf raises.

Mawbv#1 also snores obnoxiously And her giant daddy long legs are all over me cause shes too tall. So i have zero room While her and red grt to sprawl out and drool

Red has done nothing exciting for this trip but sleep the entire way.

Of course this is all with love and happiness of being in the car for 14 hrs with these characters

-the best pe teacher (3:17 just got to floirda!)

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