Sunday, February 27, 2011


Today I was told I ruin lives one blog at a time.


Championship week starts on Monday. We piled in to coaches office after practice as she pulled up the bracket.

8th fucking place. Cool. (Out of 16)

We got moved down a spot after some team beat some team. Typical. Anyways we’re so ready to win a ring. Sure we lost a few games here and there along the way, but shit happens.

Suggestion: Come support us Monday night at the Butcher Center. 7:30 Tip Off. Fairmont is getting demolished.

Back to my non-basketball/ way more interesting life…

Last night (Friday) I went to bed 9PM and awoke twelve hours later at 9AM. I laid in bed reminiscing on my dream of a talking Ipod and wondered why I have never owned a mute Ipod. I then picked up my flip-phone to check for missed text messages.

After closing and reopening my flip-phone five or six times, I finally gave up on the slim idea that if I opened it enough times a text message would pop up. It then hit me that I think it’s time to step up my technology game. I threw my phone on the floor and downloaded Windows 2010 to my computer.

Good bye 2003.

After catching up to this century I ate two eggs and a bagel and went back to sleep until 1:41 PM.

What am I doing with my life?

My days literally consist of shooting balls, going to class, gossiping, sleeping/drooling, writing poetry, and eating. I’m such an over achiever.

Here’s the retry of the poem I attempted last week. My ADD is so incredibly obvious…

I know I know, this blog didn't ruin any lives... But the ice cream I'm eating is definitely ruining my attempt at a healthy eating day.

Recipe: Melt one cookie in the microwave for 24 seconds + Put six scoops of icecream on top + some milk (Skim) + stir = Heaven.

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