Friday, December 23, 2011


Late notice- sorry stalkers, but blog will be back at the season's conclusion... (March)

In the meantime redirect your (obviously easily entertained) attention to:

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Sexual Education

Week three of preseason= Done
I’d love to say my six pack of abs is finally shaping up, but I’ve been leaning on pizza for comforting purposes. Blah... over it, eating habits are the least of my worries.
Not sure if it’s my bed or the back extensions, but I’ve been walking around like a 67 year old man for about a week now. Needless to say, I love weekends.
After reminiscing on what felt like the longest week of my life, I concluded that my Wednesday night class (Environmental Education) with PE Teacher and MAWBV2 holds my highlight.
In the process of being certified to teach Project Learning Tree (some environmental nonsense course meant for children grades K-8), I had a revelation.
In order to complete the certification, we were required to participate in a few of the activities, which resulted in our class attempting to become a tree.
Ironically, MAWBV2 was the only one that got lucky… she was the bark (the outer layer for the idiots out there). Her only task was to say “I will protect" aka "I am the condom."
PE Teach and I got stuck posing as the roots and spent the evening on our knees, saying “slurp, slurp.”
Revelation- I’m just now realizing that everything meant for children has some underlying sexual innuendo unnecessarily placed within the movie/ activity/ or book for the sake of an adult laugh.

You sick, sick fucks.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Marcel the Shell

Just watch it... not because I'm promoting it, but rather because if you haven't watched it, you're one of very few...

 If you listen to "I hang glide on a Dorito" enough times, you'll start to love it.

Then unfortunately, you will start to not only talk like Marcel, but probably become sickly obsessed with shells and/ or small shoes.

Of course you'll begin to envision yourself eating salad on raisins with friends.

And for the rest of your life, every person you meet with the name Marcel, will immediately remind you of walking a lint dog

and then you'll wish you never watched this.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

New Sorority

Join ASJ today!

Alpha Slamma Jamma

Oh wait you aren't invited...

We figured we should start our own sorority... for one main reason

well two.

One- When you say your are on a team- such as a basketball team, you are implying that you are forced to be aquainted with your teammates... wrong.

That's just not the case with this team, and well creating a sorority (ASJ) implys that we joined by free will...

Alpha Slamma Jamma 4 lyfe.

Two- we think it's funny when people ask to join and we say you can't...

Monday, August 29, 2011

How Do I Have Senioritis Already

Star Exponent Article from Sunday...

I miss the days when I came home from school and was able to tell my parents that I learned to multiply or color inside the lines; you know things of significance.

With my senior year underway, I no longer get the “What did you learn today?” question from my parents, but I do get, “How was your first day of the end of the best part of your life?” question from my roommates.

With the first week wrapping up, the only material of significance worth sharing to the roommates was a compelling conversation regarding commonsense and ignorance. I know it must seem surprising, but ignorance flourishes the adult world and well commonsense is commonly uncommon … Or maybe that’s just my ignorance speaking.

Let’s take the first day of class for instance. I throw off my down comforter, convince myself that the world needs my presence and roll out of bed. A cup of coffee and a shower wakes me up and just like that, I’m ready for the day.

Unfortunately, my first classes only made me want to punch the day in the face.

I am a college student- very capable of reading and comprehending basic instructions. With that being said, why must professors hand us a syllabus only to spend the next hour reading it over with us; I did not sign up for story time 101.

The only thing worse than story time is when the professor feels it’s necessary to explain that American History from the 1600’s to present will be a class that discusses American History from the 1600’s to present… commonsense, where are you?

How about that epic earthquake?

Sure it’s the first time a disaster of this sort has occurred on the east coast in about 100 years, but let me remind you that you weren’t the only one that felt it… crazy, I know.

Two points here, one- Twitter and Facebook don’t need to hear that you felt an earthquake. Those reading from the east coast felt it too, duh. Those reading from the west coast have been there, done that.

Two- I heard a member of the DC police department speaking on Fox News about 45 minutes after the initial shock. He stated to please not call 911 explaining an earthquake hit.

Now, first of all, if your still calling 911 40 minutes after the shock than I’m just wondering, out of curiosity, what exactly you were you doing during that little 40 minute break. Were you still trembling? Or did you just get hungry?

It just seems that if you were concerned enough to call the police reporting an earthquake than you must have considered that people may have been injured in this event and could use your phone line… ignorant.

So College Advice: I’m actually not going to give advice this week, but rather ask if it’s normal to have senioritis after week one.

Saturday, August 27, 2011


PE Teacher’s sarcastic relationship with her mom....

Mom- How did you break your windshield?
PE- Oh Mom, I was just dancing on the car and then…
Mom- Funny… now really how did you break it?

Mom- What you guys do last night?
PE- got crazy, stole and fucked shit up…
Mom- Funny… Now really what did you do?

You know what they do to liars?
They frown upon them...

Monday, August 22, 2011

Back Again

The blog is back bros

Unfortunately that means so is school. Although I’d rather not attend the little classes they offer us, my college career is quickly diminishing and well, I need a few more grades in the book before I call it quits.

Here lies the problem…

Do not bring me to these “little classes” if it is not one- hundred percent necessary… trust me, I’d much rather be watching Regis and Kelley.

The first day is incredibly pointless. I crawl out of bed to put on something that looks half decent only to sit in a class and read over the syllabus -the same syllabus that was handed to each student as they walked in the door.  

It may seem surprising that students attending a West Virginia university can read, but we do have a few years experience under our belts. Don’t get me wrong words with more than 7 letters start throwing me off, but don’t read off your email and phone number if I can read it off the syllabus.

Last but not least, the infamous, “Do you have any questions regarding the syllabus?”

Nope, but thanks for the story time asshole.

The Essentials

Star Exponent Article...

My mom insists that the three essentials to running a smooth household are: enough coffee to make a strong pot, toilet paper and laundry detergent.

I agree with her … kind of.

The difference in living under my mom’s roof and living with roommates is that a house filled with five 21-year-old student-athletes needs far more than those three essentials to run smoothly.

The art of pleasing roommates, avoiding conflict and making it through each day with minimal complaining, is more of a survival instinct than a learned habit. I’ve offered five of about 155 rules necessary for a college-like living situation.

Rule One — First person awake brews the coffee — make it strong. Haven’t you heard the jingle? “The best part about waking up is Folgers in your cup!” The sound of an early morning alarm-clock can immediately take a peaceful dreamer in to a state of annoyance. A hot cup of caffeine has the ability to change a mood. Trust me, try it.

Rule Two — Do not park behind someone in the driveway. Two things will happen. Either the roommate will move your car and therefore waste five minutes at your inconvenience, or no coffee was made, so she will annoyingly awake you and ask you to move your car — it won’t be nice. There are few things worse than facing the day when you’re not ready for it — park on the curb.

Rule Three — If you eat another person’s food, replace it immediately. We are all broke college kids, so an occasional missing egg isn’t the most awful surprise, but if your last two slices of bread are gone, expect a fight. FYI — shop in bulk and buy a paper on Sunday, the coupons will save you a couple beer dollars.

Rule Four — Smile. If you’re in a bad mood go to your room. Your mood affects everyone. This especially applies for the athletes out there. In my case, the five of us are seniors and experience has shown that there is nothing worse than going through a practice when the upperclassmen aren’t happy. It typically leads to sprints and curse words. I assure you it’s just easier to smile.

Rule Five — You eat, you clean. Put your dishes in the dishwasher and offer to clean the dishrags every once and a while with your next load of laundry.

So College Advice: There’s no avoiding bickering, it happens. Respect and common sense is the best advice I can offer. Don’t let your laundry sit in the dryer for days, no stomping on the kitchen floor before 10 on the weekend, turn the TV off at night, no 3 a.m. dance parties during finals and you’re better off not talking if it even sounds like you’re about to complain. Peaceful roommates make for a peaceful home.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Indeed Time Does Fly

Star Exponent Article from Sunday...

A week from now I’ll be shuffling through old binders and filling the reusable ones with enough notebook paper to get me through the first semester.

An old familiar normalcy will quickly replace my lazy summer vibe as I head to that first Monday class.

At the start of week two, I’ll wake before the sun and lace my shoes for the start of preseason basketball practice.

Over the next six weeks I’ll run, jump and shoot until exhaustion at the command of a whistle. I’ll meet new teammates, rekindle connections and together we will grow until we believe that losing is not an option.

Sometime in November I’ll skim through my first couple tests and wonder why on earth I thought I could handle 22 credits … but then I’ll handle it.

The semester will end in what I hope to be satisfying and in the midst of two-a-day practices and winter tournaments, I will forget to acknowledge that I am about to start my very last college semester.

The wins and (very few) losses will come and go and it won’t be until early March that I take a second to recognize time. While the announcer acknowledges my average accomplishments in honor of senior night, the crowd will silence and I’ll remember.

I’ll remember the first time I stepped on that gym floor. I’ll remember how my fellow senior teammate/ roommate complained about Tuesday night TV. I’ll remember dancing on the kitchen floor to relieve stress after class and the way my parents smiled as I walked on to the court for the first game of my very last basketball season.

And then the buzzer will sound. The season will end. I’ll hug my teammates in sweaty jerseys and cry not because it’s over, but because it happened so fast.

I’ll spend April turning in average papers and wondering why teachers don’t understand the definition of “Senioritis.”

Days will dwindle and I’ll grab my cap and gown from some underclassmen working at the bookstore. I’ll want so badly to say, “It goes so fast, enjoy it,” but I won’t.

I’ll find myself walking across a stage where everyone is dressed identical, but I will know I am unique.

And then it will click — probably in late May as I’m moving out my clothing and clutter from the townhouse I had called home for three years. It will click that I had just experienced the most eye-opening, wonderful four years.

I will smile and I will drive away from Shepherd University and into whatever life throws at me. I will be ready.

So College Advice: I’ve always wondered if it was life or time that changes people. I suppose the two together would be the simplest answer, but who really knows. What I do know is that time isn’t for the wasting and life isn’t for the “remember whens.” Soak in the days, they go fast, but when they’re gone, let them go. Yesterday doesn’t want you, so give today your company.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Star Exponent Article

I still have a flip phone. Yes, I know I’m about five years outdated and unfortunately it’s at the point where people look at me weird when I slyly slam my phone shut. Regardless of my awkward stares, I spend endless hours admiring the world and writing any interesting quotes in to the “notes” section of my faithful flip phone.

I was recently skimming through what I refer to as my “phone quotes” and came across one that read, “I have seen tomorrow.”

I immediately flashed back to my metro ride into DC last October. I remember seeing the quote on a poster and although I don’t recall what it was promoting, I do remember jotting it down for later contemplation.

Here I am today, just shy of a year later, trying to relate the quote to myself.

Approaching my senior year and the ripe age of 22, I am (might I add just recently) embracing who I am, understanding life and attempting to turn those visions of tomorrow in to today’s reality.

The problem with this is that I see things in a way that no one else sees it. In fact, this is the case with every single other person.

Are differences a tragedy? Hardly — unless of course we are speaking of the recent debt ceiling crises, but in general, different views, opinions and understandings are what makes life … life.

My brother, Mo, called the other night. Just a year separates the two of us, so we manage to agree and understand each other on most topics.

We spoke about the typical life issues and he mentioned, “You know, we’re getting to this point in our life when we’re starting to realize that it’s … messed up.” He continued, “Why can’t things just be the way I think is right?”

Sure, he thinking that his way is “right” sounds selfish, but that’s hardly what he meant and I thoroughly understood his statement.

If the world ran in accordance to our personal likes and dislikes it would be easy; so obviously when those trying times and tough days approach us, we can’t help but to wonder why things don’t go our way?

Well, if I’ve learned anything at all, it’s that life is never easy because in the simplest of sayings, “That’s life,” and that’s just what I told my brother.

I pondered the conversation for a bit wondering how simple the idea of “easy” is, but how hard it is to actually accomplish. After giving up on the thought, I concluded that “easy” was for losers.

Perfection is perception. Living is for the excited, the adventurous, the rambling conversations, the unexpected, finding love, finding yourself, embracing passions and most importantly being happy.

So College Advice: Life is for those not afraid to live it. Of course the idea of truly living is different to everyone, but for the sake of sharing, I suggest you find yourself- your happiness. Because being happy makes life worth living and well, life is all right.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

I think it’s a common misconception
That you must pay close attention to your reflection
In hopes to avoid mistaken direction

But I prefer to forget it…

I’ve learned and grown from previous lessons
I don’t need the past to see the present
I refuse to waste time on recollection

Plus the mirror makes me look fat…

Friday, July 22, 2011

"Somebody should slip Edward some weed and see if he can still control himself around Bella"- Prince Harry Jr.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Sunday, July 17, 2011


The USA women’s soccer team was able to unite the country- maybe only for a game or two or a couple hours at most, but nevertheless the world was captivated.

NO professional women’s sport has been able to successfully sell jerseys to both men and women. Besides a tennis match here and there, I can’t remember the last time a women’s sport was capable of selling out a crowd or making an impact on a Sunday afternoon. The Women’s USA soccer team brought a new essence to women’s sports.

But the real question, unfortunately, is that will this World Cup make an impact on women’s soccer in general? I bet very few know that there are 6 professional teams throughout the states- very few that reach audiences over a couple thousand.

Will attendance boost? As a female athlete I of course hope so.

Regardless, despite USA’s loss this afternoon, I thoroughly enjoyed the epic game. I think Wambach is a beast and I now have faith in the idea of fate- Let's face it Japan won because their country needed it- that's fate!

Anyways, if women’s soccer dies down after today, they can try again to spark interest during the upcoming Olympics.

Harry Potter

I went to Harry Potter on opening night- I didn’t belong.

Four friends and I headed to theatre around 10… 2 hours and 15 minutes early. That was my first indication that I was a fucking loser. Arriving to see wizards fly sticks way passed my bed time is a bit extreme.

We walked into the already crowded theatre and took a seat in between Hagrid and Voldemort. After analyzing their costumes we searched the rest of the seats and realized we should deem ourselves as "muggles" considering we were the ONLY people not wearing a burgundy and gold tye.

Overall, I was pleased with the movie -despite the row of girls that sobbed like it was 9-11, during a wand battle gone wrong. The endless clapping at the conclusion was also a bit dramatic.

I’m going to venture out and say that JK Rowling might very well have written the greatest story/series of all time BUT like all great things, I am sure someone will eventually surpass it.

But truth is, I can’t wrap my head around anything that could possibly compare to Harry Potter. Good luck to the future creeps with brilliant ideas.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Culpeper article from Friday

Five of my friends and I headed to the boondocks of Lancaster, Va. to spend the weekend on the river. We immediately dropped our backpack of sunscreen and bathing suits in the beautiful blue cottage and headed to the local convenient store — and by local I mean the only store at all within a 20-mile radius.

We parked next to a rusty red pickup truck and immediately saw two old men with pipes who greeted us with a smoky, “hello pretty ladies.” We smiled and acted like we were just as excited to see them as they were to see us.

We walked through an organized mess and straight to the refrigerated area.

“Mmm, excuse me ma’am,” I asked. “Are there any cases of beer that aren’t cut in half?”

The clerk explained that it’s cheaper for them to order beer in 18 packs, so they cut the boxes into 6 or 12 packs and pass the savings on to the customers.


Luckily, there was no reason to leave the cottage again.

We spent the rest of Friday basking on the dock and grabbed some barbeque before a violent summer storm made its way down the river.

I often forget how polluted the typical night sky is by street and house lights, but with just a flashlight, the six of us put on our rain jackets and headed to the dock.

For more than 30 minutes we let the clouds drench us in the warmest rain and admired the lightning’s ability to illuminate the entire night sky. I went to bed wondering why I don’t dance in the rain more often.

A cup of coffee and a cool morning breeze began our Saturday. The being lazy and getting tan part went as planned, but a lost cell phone and bracelet, a few scratches from kayaking and bruises from the zip line left us warn out and ready for sunset.

So there we were, listening to the infamous Dawson’s Creek theme song, “I Don’t Wanna Wait,” while watching the big ripe tangerine sun fall behind the mountains. I figured, why wait? Let’s dance.

We danced around until the early morning of Sunday to the greatest songs of the 90’s and watched the diamond sky overshadow the peachy sunset.

Prior to recent years, I never wanted to vacation anywhere unless amusement parks and restaurants were within walking distance, but these days I want nothing more than good friends and salt water.

So college advice: I spent the weekend imagining myself in a teenage sitcom inspired by songs written when I was drooling over my fifth grade math books.

Go to the boondocks, hop in the water, maybe even drink a few cold ones if you’re legal… or don’t do any of that. But what you definitely should do is surround yourself with people you are not afraid to dance fearlessly with. If you can do that, a 90’s playlist will do the rest.

Thursday, July 14, 2011


“Wow, you’ve really changed.” -This might be the most vague, ridiculous statement I’ve ever heard.

I overheard two “old friends” reunite this afternoon and the one says to the other, “Wow, you’ve really changed,” in a bitchy voice (or that’s how I perceived it anyways).

I couldn’t help but to imagine my response to that statement…

“Of course I’ve changed… I’m older, smarter, fatter… Fuck You. Now I’m remembering why I stopped being your friend, because you always wanted me to stay the same… It’s called growing up.”

Harsh response. (I was tired) Luckily, I avoided butting in to their conversation for fear of sounding like the bitch I thought the one girl was…

Regardless, my point is this:

Change is necessary to discover the person you ultimately want to be.

Star Exponent Article

As my family packed a bag and headed down to Southport, North Carolina for this past weekend’s events, I stayed behind with my little brother so he could attend to his important high school plans that will become very unimportant in just a few days and extremely insignificant in a year or two.

It ended up being an excellent weekend.

I’ve noticed as the years pass, those annual events that I used to snore or converse through have become more and more enjoyable. Whether I never noticed or never cared to notice, this past weekend was the first time I saw how wonderful fireworks are.

Sure the whole idea of colorful fire splashing itself across the night sky is appealing, but have you ever really looked? Have you ever followed just one spark? Watched it as it created a beautiful picture and followed that one spark as it sailed into the moonlit sky and diminished in the blink of an eye?

From the cool Yowell Meadow Park grass, I witnessed the most unbelievable painting, the perfect picture. The greatest part about the image is that no camera could truly capture a firework’s essence.

My parents came home on Tuesday and after I shared my eye opening experience, they shared theirs.
Southport has been stamped a popular Fourth of July fairground for the state of North Carolina. As locals and visitors laced the sidewalks of the quaint All-American town, the Grand Marshall of the parade made its way down the street.

A local Southport couple had attended a ceremony in honor of their son who had worked on the 104th floor of the North Twin Tower that once stood in New York City. Upon their visit they came in contact with the 9-11 National Flag, which was originally found in the rubble of the fallen building.
After seven long years, the tattered flag was stitched back together with several retired flags by a group of tornado survivors in Greensburg, Kan.

The Southport couple put in a bid to have the historic flag come to the proud Southport town and ultimately won over the city of Philadelphia. It was the perfect Grand Marshall.

After the flag’s summer tour, it will find its permanent home in the National Sept. 11 Museum at Ground Zero.

Although I felt my July Fourth experience was monumental, my family’s sighting overshadowed it. What is most amazing though is not that I missed out on an historic artifact, but that in the small town of Culpeper, I too witnessed the story of America.

I was accompanied by the thankful, surrounded by the brave and I was privileged to hear freedom ring.

So College Advice: Fourth of July has passed so forget the epic firework show until next year. Instead, the next flag you pass — look at it. If you are a believer, pray for those who defend it. If you are a dreamer, recognize it for the opportunities it offers us; and if you are an American, give thanks for what it stands for.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

What I Want Most

I want to be a better person.

I want to be a fighter- like the trees that bloom green every spring regardless of how many times fall punches off their leaves.

I want to keep growing, preferably not in width.

I want to be sturdy in my purpose.

I want to be fearless.

Fearless like the red lights- the ones that continually force people to break from the rush of the world knowing that everyone wants them to change.

I will not change for anyone.

I want to know peace.

I want to rekindle my youth; and I want to lay under the puffy clouds too- the ones that shape themselves daily in to the dinosaurs and airplanes I once knew. I want to notice their pictures.

I want to notice everything.

I want to read more and not just about celebrity gossip or sport scores.

I want to discover.

I want to believe that one roadside cross will save one hundred lives- because believer or not, that cross symbolizes life.

I want to believe more than sometimes.

I want crying to be okay.

I want to clap my hands for the shower singers- the ones that belt out their soul to ten thousand fans that for some reason closely resemble soap suds.

I want a standing ovation for curing hunger deprivation… or for reading a poem.

I want to know if there is a God.

I want those who can’t find him to keep searching; those who have found him to keep faith in his presence; and those who have no intentions of looking for him to keep exercising their free will.

I want Mel Gibson to shut the fuck up.

I wish I didn’t curse so much.

I wish I would stop dreaming and start doing; stop believing and start pursuing.

But I am a dreamer- I want to dream.

I want a heart that knows no limits and has no boundaries; I want a heart that can suck up worries and pump out passions.

I want to thank the body for being the only machine that doesn’t come with directions.

I want to learn how to read a map.

I want to know where I’m going, but when I do sail off into the unknown at one-hundred and twenty, I want to go to the rhythm of sweet memories.

I want to always have happiness.

I wish everyone was happy.

I want to give my sympathy to the alphabet because I butchered L,M,N,O,P until fourth grade.

I want to let down my guard and find time for mourning.

I want to wake up in the morning… just to watch the sunrise.

I want to apologize to the street signs -to the Trail of Tears Drive and Painters Lane to all the roads who welcome my story but I in return do not care to hear yours.

I want to have compassion for things that don’t concern me.

I want to put away the keyboard and pick up a pencil.

I want to write a letter.

I want to bring back all things time has outdated- I miss your sincerity.

I want to seek true serenity -I’m just not sure where to look.

I want to be elated- excited just to breathe.

I want to sing- with that same guitar that sacrificed its body in an attempt to string together a piece of someone’s life; I think you could change my life.

I want to make a difference.

I want to be hopeful, but not the hopeless romantic that hopes for red roses and white picket fences.

I want to be original.

I need to call home more.

I want to be patient, like the light bulbs in the attics that never get used, but calmly awaits for the unveiling of the forgotten memories and history it hides with the ceiling.

I wish I wasn’t so obnoxious.

I want to keep secrets like the curtains that can shut out the world from the person.

I want to be someone that someone wants to be.

I want to give advice worth hearing and praise worth appreciating.

But what I want most, ironically… is to be genuinely content in not wanting at all.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Good Times

1. Flower, my friend, referring to her ex boyfriend.

Flower- "He fist-bumped me on his way upstairs to hook up with his new girlfriend..."

2. MAWBV2 referring to dancing with a little man.

MAWBV2- "It was like an extended defensive slide..."

3. Joke by Red head...

Red Head- "I threw a caterpillar in the air and said, get used to it."

Friday, July 1, 2011

Where are the Answers?

My Star Exponent Article this week...

Charlie Brown once said, “In the book of life, the answers aren’t in the back.” Well Charlie, books kill trees, so you should probably jump on the “Think Green” train and buy a Nook … but you’re right.

Where can we find the answers to life?

I met with a few friends from high school for drinks and flashbacks this past week, but of course talk of degrees and jobs replaced the once innocent chatter of nonsense and breakups.

Although each of them has a degree awaiting an office frame, none have an office to put them in. None have the classroom they’ve spent four years dreaming of decorating, and none have booked weddings in the event planning journal they’ve prepared. In fact, none are doing anything remotely related to their degrees.

Now of course each of them is sure to find great success in their futures, but for now I admire their modest view on “living life” in their parent’s house on a seven dollar paycheck until Mr. Right Job comes along.
With a year left, I’ve nervously started writing my thank you letter to college.

So far I only have, “Dear College.”

But I figure I’ll continue with something like, “Thank you for the degree, the good times and the debt … I hate you.”

Post-college is scary! Where am I going to go? What am I going to do? How on earth am I going to pay for this air I’m breathing?

These unanswerable questions had me searching for a childhood classic more inspirational than Charlie Brown.

Ickle Me, Pickle Me, Tickle Me too
Went for a ride in a flying shoe
Horay what fun, it’s time we flew
Said Ickle Me, Pickle Me, Tickle Me too”

Shel Silverstein had me wondering about the adventures I would take in a flying shoe.

I figured I would soar to the tops of the green trees and thank them for the fight they put up every spring even though winter and fall continually knock off their leaves.

I’ve always admired their resilience.

I would then tour the castles and the airplanes that the clouds build every day, regardless of the many that forget to notice their pictures.

I’ve always trusted their entertainment.

I would then land atop a red light, so that the two of us could admire the cars that want so badly to rush past us.

I’ve always been jealous of their patience.

So College Advice: Escaping reality and embracing creativity may be the simplest way to ignore life stresses. Unfortunately Silverstein’s poem ends rather dramatically,

Ickle Me, Pickle Me, Tickle Me too
Never returned to the world they knew
And nobody knows what’s happened to
Dear Ickle Me, Pickle Me, Tickle Me too”

But I like to think that life flew that shoe exactly where they were supposed to be. I’m going to go out on a limb and suggest we lace our shoes and hold on tight.

Friday, June 24, 2011


I’m getting old

Sure I’m only 21, but honestly alcohol, feet and Friday nights tell me otherwise.

Despite my second foot surgery healing relatively smoothly, I’ve noticed my body in general, deteriorating.

Last night, we said goodbye to another year of Char’s life and this morning I said hello to achy knees and an awful headache.

1.      Alcohol- I don’t know if it was the rebel in me fueling my illegal behavior, but up until this year I could drink all day, wake up and function as if nothing had happened during the previous night. My past few late night adventures leave me wishing I had never met Vodka.
2.      Feet- Flip flops are a no-go. I remember the days when I could get away with being barefoot all summer long. Now, an hour with unsupportive shoes leaves me wondering if I possibly forgot getting hit by a car during the previous night's adventures.
3.      Friday- It’s now Friday. I just ate my weight in takeout Chinese food, I still have a headache and I don’t plan on leaving this couch until tomorrow morning.

Basically, whoever mistakenly told me that College would be my wildest days was well, utterly wrong.

Maybe you are wild for a couple years, and then you get old and start forgetting about how cool you were during wilder days and therefore convince yourself that you were cool and wild all through college… but you weren’t.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


I get a mass text from MAWBV2 today asking had we (meaning Red, PE Teacher, MAWBV1 and I) seen her yellow-cutoff-jersey-shirt.

It obviously sounds like a necessary item to have in your closet, so with no hesitation I responded, "My red dangling earrings are also MIA fuckbag... but no I don't have your shirt."

"Well this is just a bummer- good luck with the earrings..."

Sharing clothes is unavoidable throughout college. Of course there are positives and negatives to all situations, but I assure you this is a one way street.

Positive when getting clothes
Negative when sharing

Sharing assures a few shruken shirts, stained pants, stretched shoes and/ or lost earrings. But trouble with saying "no" is that friends might get offended or even worse, the Kindergarten memories shouting "sharing is caring" starts interfering with better judgement.

Getting, of course, could result in the same outcome but hey, not your problem...

Luckily, MAWBV2 moves in to 420 in the fall and I fully intend to "share"/ innocently destroy every pair of her 93 shoes... and in return I just might consider letting her rock my grey 2008 Nikes

Positively awesome for me and well... not for her.

Monday, June 20, 2011


I’m not sure what to think about recent TV…

Besides Chelsea Lately, you just don’t know what you’re gonna get…

Has anyone sat down and watched MTV’s new show, Teen Wolf?

What happened to the days of TRL or just music videos in general? Greasy Italians on steroids was awful enough. Now you want to make a show about a high school boy who turns werewolf every time he gets a boner?

MTV- please rethink your channel. You don't wanna go down the same path as Nickelodeon. If I could offer you advice, I’d say think “Hey Arnold,” not “Spongebob.”

Regardless of MTV’S downfall, it’s not really them at all that’s making me consider protesting television, it’s actually the commercials.

If I see one more advertisement for “Eggies” I’m gonna kill a chicken…

It's Okay to Remember the Bad

Star Exponent Article this week...

College is often remembered for the parties, freedom and friends. I suppose that goes for life in general.

People talk about the good things. But what about that teacher that made you jump through every obstacle for a passing grade. What about that bad roommate, the financial difficulties, the broken bones and the deaths? Why don’t people talk about the bad things?

I suppose many, including myself, choose to ignore the harder parts in life, in hopes to disguise them with the good parts. But truth is, the hard parts never really go away. They can hurt you, tear you apart if you let them, or help you grow, let you learn, even excel.

The recent loss of Culpeper resident, Mark Simpson, hit home.

He’s just like me; a kid from Culpeper who left home to pursue athletics and education at a higher level. A kid trying to find himself, find a purpose and future.

I had just finished playing a basketball game at Concord University, the college Mark had attended. I was sitting on a bench awaiting the bus and up walked Mark with his infamous smile and charming “Hey, Hannah.”

I hadn’t spoken or even seen Mark since high school and with no hesitation he sat beside me. We spent the next 20 minutes talking of family and school. I had no idea the hug goodbye would really be goodbye.

Mark was memorable. So was my friend who I lost senior year, my uncle who I lost in October of this year and my Nana who followed closely in November. All memorable — all whose memories I try to overshadow with less hurtful ones.

The “what if’s” and the “I wish time would rewind,” phrases aren’t even worth saying. Time is not what we fear; we fear what time will change or what it won’t change, what it will bring. But changes should be embraced — good or bad, learn from them, and grow from them. Time is inevitable, change is unavoidable, but growth is limitless.

I’ve learned a few things along the way; one being that all pain clenches the heart just as hard. Death or break up, doesn’t matter, the difference only being that some pain lasts longer than others. Two, is that no matter how heavy the worries of the world may feel, I assure you it does not stop spinning.

My Dad once told me that bad things only happen to the strong, because they can handle it. Here’s the catch, bad things happen to everyone — therefore everyone is strong. So lift the pain off your chest, take the world off your shoulders and dance. Go ahead; celebrate the good things — spin with the world.

So College Advice: Find a way to relieve your worries. Talk to someone; write it down, life is full of struggles awaiting your strength. It’s OK to remember, but not OK to let life bring you down. My brother and his buddy just made a song, if you need a smile check it out. YouTube: Green Ink  “Thumbs Up” music video.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Don't Do This

Bamf, Mo, Ben and I were boarding a ferry the other day

The lady whom we bought the ticket from asked us to pull up to check Bamf’s ID.

Bamf- of course

(Weird because never before had they checked ID’s)

Clerk- So there are four of you in there?

Bamf- that are alive, yes…

Clerk- (She giggled a little) As long as you don’t have any explosives in there!

Bamf- wait, wait, wait… no one told me I couldn’t have explosives.

Moment of Silence

Clerk- I’m gonna need to check your trunk…

She eventually cleared us… but oddly enough, we were the only car that got examined. Weird??
Boyce Avenue- Great cover band... check them out

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Stalk Away

No one can deny that Facebook has become an obsessive part of our collegiate lives. Whether it’s stalking, sharing or taking pictures for the public, it’s obvious that social media has become a center piece to our daily living.

I despise Facebook…

1.      Taking pictures of yourself is simply put… disgusting. Stop. Please stop. I can assure you that no one wants to see your biceps or your abs and if you honestly think the picture of yourself is worth showing off, send it to a modeling agency and if they also agree then sure… post it. If they forget to get back to you, I suggest you never fucking take a picture of yourself again, you self-conceded idiot.

2.      “Liking” your own comment does not make it likable. Obviously you “like” your comment or else you wouldn’t have posted it. Please don’t feel the need to like it, we viewers can decide for ourselves if we like it.

3.      Writing “I love you” or giving a personalized shout out to your boyfriend or girlfriend via Facebook status, is obnoxious. You know, usually when you’re in a relationship with someone it’s okay to text or call them. Trust me when I say that no one, NO ONE cares about your relationship … except yourself.

4.      Writing something along the lines of “Hey Brittany, I’m right next to you, but you are so cool!” … is completely beyond not cool. Is it for attention? Umm because you don’t have to type to the person you’re sitting next to… they are next to you- it’s called talking.

5.      Updating status’s every fifteen minutes- ridiculous. I can assure you that unless you’re famous or popping out babies on Teen Mom, no one is interested in when you wake up, when you’re drinking coffee, when you’re going to the gym or when you are about to take a nap… so fuck off or get a Twitter and pretend like people follow you.

6.      On the topic of status’s, posting inspirational status’s every few minutes about God, Finding God or Seeking God, is not helping anyone else… if it’s consoling for yourself, drop Facebook and hire a therapist.
7.      Last but not at all least, RIP statuses. “RIP Grandma” ten minutes after  her passing, offers two things. 1- You want attention and you know how to get it. ( in this case you are brilliant- take full advantage) 2- You are so obsessed with Facebook that you want to let everyone know of your life, when I’m sure you should be consoling your family, yourself, etc…

I hate Facebook… Still, I can’t stop stalking these entertaining idiots.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Thumbs Up - Life's Good!

Quote of the week

My two little bros, bamf and i just stopped in to a charmingly dirty bp station for gas and coffee

Lady cashier:dem yo real eyes? (looking at ben)
Ben: yeah
Lady cashier: Nuh Uhhh
Bamf: yeah, he's gay though...


Sunday, June 12, 2011


My grandmother's boyfriend bought a BMW and  has yet to drive it. He says he doesn't know how to work it and frankly I'm  happy he doesn't because this is the same guy that falls asleep at the dinner table. I asked my grandma if she had driven it and she said, "I'm scared of it."

now with this being shared tell me are old people really wise or do they just have a lot to share? and by sharing I mean a lot of stories about "back then."

Anyways, to expand on the fact that my grandmother has a boyfriend, I suppose she just needed a companion. Grams doesn't really like to call him her boyfriend though. He's old and well, she still thinks she's a hot 22 year old.

Grandma getting rich boyfriend= now that's wise.

Good Things

Star Exponent article from June 10th little late...

Have you ever picked up a pile of sand just to watch it sift between your fingers?

It’s funny, how most of the grains sail by salty air to distant sands,

While others find a place along the lifelines of your hands.

For over a month, I’ve adored the simple sounds of Carolina’s crashing waves and hungry seagulls. I’ve grown accustomed to the seashells that managed to find a place on my floorboard and somehow found appreciation for the peanut butter, jelly and sand sandwiches I ate every afternoon. 

With a college graduation and a career in my near future, I know it will be a long while before I can manage another 34-day vacation. I spent my last morning on the beach watching the sand “sift between my fingers” and wondering how impacting this trip has been on my lifeline.

I filled the last month with nothing more than sunshine, a pad of paper, a pencil and my thoughts. I’m leaving with nothing more than bad tan lines, an increased chance of getting skin cancer, pages of poems, sketches and unfinished lines.

From week one of school my schedule is booked. Days filled with class, practice, meetings and film sessions leave me begging for days of nothing. Days very similar to the ones I have been experiencing.

But what I find fascinating is not at all the freedom that I’m finally getting, but how ready I am to give it up.
Call me crazy, but I need structure. I need routine. I need to get back in to work and in to a regular exercise routine. What I need most of all is to remind myself of how good it feels to deserve a vacation.

I think people are inherently good. Sure, society molds our likes and dislikes, our social views and attitudes towards things, but I think the ability to differentiate between right and wrong is somewhere within all of us.

With that being said, I think that people want to deserve things. I know I do. I want to deserve good things. I want to work hard and do what I’m supposed to do so if and when good things come, I can take them willingly, knowing that I am deserving of it.

So College Advice: I should probably consider writing a book about the things my parents have taught me. I’ll title it something like, “The Nonsense That Raised Me.” But for now, I’ll just share their oh-so-wise-advice with you.

My Dad always says, “Good things come to good people.” I do the best I can and I think I’m a pretty good person, but still I know I was in no way deserving of a 34-day vacation. I’ll leave you with this, I think good things do come to good people, but when good things just come for no apparent reason, I suggest you enjoy every bit of it and when it’s over, head back in to reality, ready, willing and determined to get what you deserve.

Friday, June 10, 2011


If you are in a "comfortable relationship" at the age of 21... I suggest you get out of it. We don't need comfortable! We need exciting!

During dinner we were discussing how bad a comfortable relationship can be. It feels necessary, but not right... can that possibly be good? .... Probably not.

Char Char explained comfortable relationships perfectly and if you are stuck in one, I suggest you take her advice.

Char Char- Do you wear sweat pants everyday?

(She didn't give the chick seeking her advice time to answer before she continued...)

Char Char- You might because it's comfortable, but it sure as hell doesn't look good.

Let's face it folks, a comfortable relationship just looks bad... get cool... be college

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

quote of the week

me: we're in a fucking dorm room why are you scared?

belle: uhh haven't you ever seen scary movies?... in dorm rooms?

me: umm no

belle: well me either, but i've imagined them...

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

PF... sucks

I joined at Planet Fitness for the month while I am here in Wilmington, NC and simply put… I hate it.

It was this one dollar deal and if I cancel before this Friday than I pay nothing more than that one dollar. I have full intentions of quitting.

They have this “No Judgment” policy, which drives me up the fucking wall.

Sure I limp around on my broken foot and struggle with those five pounders so yes, I’d like to avoid any criticism, but the problem here is not the policy, but rather the extent in which they promote the policy.

They have a “Lunk” alarm which is used in severe cases of “Lunk” …ing? Dropping weights, cockiness and shouting all apply to being a Lunk and therefore calls for the alarm.

Unfortunately, “Lunk” closely resembles the word, “lump” … maybe only to me? But every time I look at it, I think lump. I then think I’d rather see someone shouting rather than sitting and I think I’d rather see someone running rather than eating the free bagels that they offer free of charge and of course judgment every Tuesday morning.

While I’m on the topic of food and gyms, Planet Fitness (also known as PF for short) has Tootsie Rolls at the entrance and exit of the gym…

Hey fuckers FYI I’m trying to lose my Tootsi Rolls and you want me to eat them? And don’t say you don’t, because you place those juicy chocolate pieces of heaven right in front of the elliptical and after I run a mile DUH I’m gonna want the fucking chocolate…

Don’t you see that I obviously have a hard time avoiding junk food outside of the gym, I finally come to the gym to do something about it and holy Jesus Christ there it is again… like a sign from above saying “I’m commanding you to eat the chocolate.”

It gets better… Thursday night’s they have pizza night… Again, I’ll add that the pizza is both free of charge and judgment… I really shouldn’t have to expand on this, but obviously I will.

As a broke college student, guess what I’d do if I was a full time member of this place. I’d plan my Thursday nights as follows…

5pm- stretch at PF
5:10pm- eat 4 pieces of the free pizza at PF
5:21pm- leave PF

I’ll leave you with this… One small piece of Domino’s cheese pizza has 175 calories which is equivalent to 15 to 20 minutes on the Elliptical…

Here’s what I have concluded about Planet Fitness. I AM JUDGING.

Your 63 signs talking about “leaving my ego behind” and “no judging,” just makes me feel like the overweight 12 year old that never got picked for kickball teams…
I walk in
Immediately feel like I’m a loser
I work out
and then you slap me on the back with a slice of pizza and a “Hey, good work today bud, you deserve these calories back.”