Sunday, July 17, 2011


The USA women’s soccer team was able to unite the country- maybe only for a game or two or a couple hours at most, but nevertheless the world was captivated.

NO professional women’s sport has been able to successfully sell jerseys to both men and women. Besides a tennis match here and there, I can’t remember the last time a women’s sport was capable of selling out a crowd or making an impact on a Sunday afternoon. The Women’s USA soccer team brought a new essence to women’s sports.

But the real question, unfortunately, is that will this World Cup make an impact on women’s soccer in general? I bet very few know that there are 6 professional teams throughout the states- very few that reach audiences over a couple thousand.

Will attendance boost? As a female athlete I of course hope so.

Regardless, despite USA’s loss this afternoon, I thoroughly enjoyed the epic game. I think Wambach is a beast and I now have faith in the idea of fate- Let's face it Japan won because their country needed it- that's fate!

Anyways, if women’s soccer dies down after today, they can try again to spark interest during the upcoming Olympics.

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