Monday, June 20, 2011


I’m not sure what to think about recent TV…

Besides Chelsea Lately, you just don’t know what you’re gonna get…

Has anyone sat down and watched MTV’s new show, Teen Wolf?

What happened to the days of TRL or just music videos in general? Greasy Italians on steroids was awful enough. Now you want to make a show about a high school boy who turns werewolf every time he gets a boner?

MTV- please rethink your channel. You don't wanna go down the same path as Nickelodeon. If I could offer you advice, I’d say think “Hey Arnold,” not “Spongebob.”

Regardless of MTV’S downfall, it’s not really them at all that’s making me consider protesting television, it’s actually the commercials.

If I see one more advertisement for “Eggies” I’m gonna kill a chicken…

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