Monday, August 22, 2011

Back Again

The blog is back bros

Unfortunately that means so is school. Although I’d rather not attend the little classes they offer us, my college career is quickly diminishing and well, I need a few more grades in the book before I call it quits.

Here lies the problem…

Do not bring me to these “little classes” if it is not one- hundred percent necessary… trust me, I’d much rather be watching Regis and Kelley.

The first day is incredibly pointless. I crawl out of bed to put on something that looks half decent only to sit in a class and read over the syllabus -the same syllabus that was handed to each student as they walked in the door.  

It may seem surprising that students attending a West Virginia university can read, but we do have a few years experience under our belts. Don’t get me wrong words with more than 7 letters start throwing me off, but don’t read off your email and phone number if I can read it off the syllabus.

Last but not least, the infamous, “Do you have any questions regarding the syllabus?”

Nope, but thanks for the story time asshole.

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