Monday, April 11, 2011

Tanning and Tennis

Sunny days have been few and far between here in Sheptown this spring.


Of course we take advantage of the ones we get.

As I was leaving class this afternoon, I spotted half my team attempting to play tennis… half naked. Apparently the sun makes it okay to walk around with no shirt on in the middle of campus.

Within 30 minutes, we had rallied in a few more groupies to join the tanning/ tennis session. After gossiping and judging every person that walked by, we were approached by a Photography major. She saw us being “normal college students” and asked if she could take pictures.

I tried to explain to her that we were far from normal, but she insisted on telling us to pretend like she wasn’t there, suck in our guts and laugh or something.

We listened.

Of course before she left, we obnoxiously asked her if she was a “So College Blog Follower.” She mentioned she had heard of it and I mentioned that she should probably read it religiously or I wouldn’t be interested in hearing about how her project turned out…

Then Might-As-Well-Be-Virgin-1 shouts “She’s the one that writes it… She’s the So College Blog writer.”

The girl gave a fake smile, said “oh” and turned around completely uninterested in my friends, the blog or myself…

We really have to get better pickup lines.

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