Thursday, April 28, 2011


Goodbye junior year… almost -exams are coming and I don’t plan on caring about them…just kidding I’m not that cool. I had all my final presentations this week and ONE MORE on Tuesday afternoon… sick bro.

Anyways, I unwillingly decided to celebrate the almost conclusion of my third year by getting woken up at 3AM by Red and PE Teacher. The lightning and thunder was absolutely obnoxious. For the next two hours we stared out my bedroom window awaiting a tornado to take us away.

It was especially frightening for myself considering my high school friend called me earlier in the day explaining she had a detailed dream regarding my death from tornado the night before.

I was totally not worried anyways...

I called my mom this morning to explain the dream and the near death experience from the last night and her only response was:

“You know you should go to the basement during a tornado?”

“I know Mom, duh, we were gonna run down there if we saw one.”

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