Monday, April 25, 2011

And the Winner is....

Our team won the Ram’s Cup tonight… HUGE accomplishment. Big Big Deal. If you weren’t at the award’s show than you may not realize how awesome this award is.

Yes, I referred to it as an award show.

In fact, I kind of thought it similar to the Grammy’s. I put on my best shorts and coolest Shepherd Basketball tee-shirt -I was looking very good to say the least.

The Ram’s Cup is given to the team that most often supports the other University teams, but I’d like to refer to the Ram’s Cup as the “Cool Award” awarded to the… well obviously… coolest team (us).

It was proven Post- Award show when my teammates sprinted to their cars and did victory laps around campus while blasting their music, shouting “we are champions” and ensuring that at least half of their bodies were hanging out of the car windows… so cool.

Your Welcome Shepherd.

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