Monday, March 19, 2012

Everyday Events

1. There we were... well actually I wasn't really watching, but my roommates were and surprise surprise we still don't know who the fuck A is (Kind of)...

Don't even bother reading Twitter unless you want to experience how Pretty Little Liars managed to consume morons one episode at a time...

2. I was reading Cosmo- well, scanning it really (I estimate my reading level is equivalent to a nine year old and anything beyond a couple paragraphs is a no-go) BUT I spotted the following: 

My roommate (I won't spill names, but she has abnormal hair) is not just in this 35%, but actually spends 35% of her day stalking through every possible social media outlet.

In fact, I believe it's fair to say she tallies in enough hours to compensate for the 65% of men and women more interested in themselves than their significant others.

She, who must not be named, might call this 65%, conceited... self-centered, perhaps? Might wonder even why this 65% wouldn't want to know the unknown.

The 65% however, would not wonder at all- they understand... she has red hair.

3. My roommate, Teach, discovered God's gift of coffee approximately two months ago. Since then, her OCD has kicked in and she is averaging somewhere between 2 and 10 cups a day- even booting the creamer for the straight black taste... Bad Ass.

4. Since 6:30 AM this morning, I must have said I was going to do homework somewhere between 6 and 79 times- depending on who you talk to the number will vary.

It is nearing 10PM and have yet to start, because I realized our entire household is consumed in addictions. All a bit corky and obnoxious and hey, maybe fucking annoying to an outsider,  but I thought writing about them was more interesting than breaking them...

I shall do my homework now.

For the Poetry Lovers:

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