Saturday, March 3, 2012

55 Days

Due to a little student-athlete mishap, I chose to put my nonsense on standby…

Im backkkkk

Now that I'm a NARP (Non-Athletic-Regular-Person) I have sincere intentions of squeezing the past four years into the remaining 55 days of my senior spring semester.

55 days to wear earrings without taking them out
55 days to drink too much
Skip a few classes
Get a pedicure without basketball shoes scuffing the polish
55 days to enjoy happy hour before happy hour begins
Walk without achy knees
Avoid grey sweats 
Watch a TV series 
Cook a dinner that isn't microwavable
Hang out with my bed or a book or a pillow

55 days to pick up a hobby that doesn't involve majority, if not all, of the following:
or 5 hour bus trips consisting of minorities whining about being minorities and freshman bitching about being our bitches

With that being said, I would like to leave you with Day One Advice: 

Suck on a big dose of bullshit and add So College Blog to your next 55 days.

For the Poetry Lovers: 

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