Wednesday, January 19, 2011

What I learned in Human Resource Management

     I learned nothing. Partially because this class will do nothing for me in my unrealistic dream life as a lottery winner, but also because I waste my life jotting down the random words that dance through my thoughts.       
     "Resources" and "Management" are just NOT appealling words to me -my imagination is. So I transfer my bullshit on to paper and at the end of every class, I wonder where the hell time went.
      If you look in my binder you will come to a divider that is labeled "9:10 Waste of time class." Each notebook page thereafter is filled with endless lyrics, words and doodles.

I'll share today's notes.

Human Resource Management Notes (1-19-11)


I wanna lay under an old Oak Tree and whisper to God the craziest things; my wildest dreams in a cool fall breeze and soak in all the beauty life breathes.

Life becomes living through the simplest of things.
The impacting moments that grow into memories,
The note my Dad wrote and I still read
Blue skies, brown eyes, heart and hard times,

It’s the simple things worth noticing and I want to notice everything.
So I’ll lay under that old Oak Tree and let the damaged leaves cover me,
listen closely to the wisdom that the weary bark keeps
and tell God the stories I never speak.

I imagine the wind will laugh at the fact that at 21 I still carry a pencil pack.

I picture the rain falling with my tears, when I tell God I wish my uncle was still here.

I envision the sunset smiling in a hazy grey when I thank God for waking me up today.

Is it crazy to whisper to an old Oak Tree? I wonder if God will even listen to me?

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