Monday, January 24, 2011

I Blogged This Without Her Permission

While I was a freshman i was blessed to meet the biggest bitch ever. I barely like her due to her asshole comments and ability to stay skinny regardless of shoving down dunkin donuts religiously, but her outragous stories are worth keeping her around...

This is copy and pasted directly from my facebook message inbox, sent to me from the bitch. Enjoy.

"lonng story short i was extremely drunk in public at a bar a young man wearing a north face kept bumping into me and so i yelled at him calling him northface when i noticed one thing about him that struck me, he had a large nose so i asked him if he was jewish he responded yes bitch why? and i said becuase your nose is huge i knew u had to be a jew and if u think i stopped there NOPE his friend comes over who just happens to be a ginger and starts running his mouth i procede to tell him to shut up ginger. and the three of us begin to have a battle of words and then the jew calls me racist to which i respond ginger isnt a race and before things got real heated my gay boyfriend escorted me out hahaha this is my life"

It's people like these that make true acceptence impossible... cunt.

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