Sunday, March 4, 2012

Dating the Pitcher

The bartender asked if we were dating the pitcher- not the fucking stud athlete in tight pants you idiots… 

The five-dollar pitcher of Mic-Ultra.

After a short laugh I proceeded to whisper “Fuck off, I’m no cheap drunk... or date.”
Although I was silently thinking about how I prefer a Kings large pepperoni pizza to near everything and if you use the two-dollar coupon on the back of the Food Lion receipt, it only costs $13.99…

Around 12:10 AM, my ex-athlete roommates and I proceeded to chug the remainder of that low calorie beer straight from the pitcher- drowning our selves in the definition of “unclassy.”

I fell asleep assuring myself that I wasn’t a cheap drunk. Woke up at 9am with NARP status on my mind and agenda.
  • I drank coffee
  • Unpacked my bag from my last basketball tournament... ever.
  • Ate three pieces of left over Valentine’s Day chocolates-threw the rest away after realizing I had to remove candy from my new NARP diet
  • Removed all “basketball clothing” from my closet- packed it in a bag labeled “Goodbye Skinny Days”
  • Laid in bed until 1:00pm
  • Made beef tacos for lunch- ate three
  • Fell asleep to Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows
  • Drooled. Everywhere.
  • Wrote this blog

In my near future I am envisioning a large King’s pepperoni pizza around 7pm and complimenting the dinner with watching Once Upon Time at 8pm

I’m struggling a bit, but I think I can get use to this.

For the Poetry Lovers:

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