Monday, March 5, 2012

Awkward Moment

Awkward moment:

When you are in a one-person public restroom and someone knocks on the door.

Possible responses:

I typically respond with, “I’m in here!”

But this only leaves the knocker to wonder who “I’m” is. Possibly spending the next few moments imaging an entire life for the mysterious “I’m” only to be disappointed at the sight of “I’m” when “I’m” exits… or incredibly elated.

My roommate Red just stays quiet, because the door is locked.

This is just a dick move, Red

My roommate, Boobs, typically responds, “If you’re a guy, come on in!”

Which typically results in no response and an empty exit… oh well.

My roommate, Campus Bitch, responds similar to myself, except more ignorant, “Someone is in here!”

Who is “someone” ya cunt nugget?

Daily advice: Respond with “Just a minute!”

I did not think this genius response up, but it must be shared.

For the Poetry Lovers:

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