Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Rainy days make me want to curl up in bed, eat cookies and watch movies all day. Unfortunately, I was trapped in classrooms and the gym from 9 to 6.


Luckily, Harry Potter came out today, so although my day was ruined, my night is going as planned. Cookies in the oven, Harry and good company (PE Teacher, Red, Dino and the Virgin’s)… what’s better?

I purposely don’t read the Harry Potter books to ensure that the movie isn’t ruined.


We’re awaiting the arrival of the Virgin’s, so PE teacher, Red and I decided to have a nail polish party while watching “What Not to Wear.” This chick is refusing to wear sexy clothes because she claims she doesn’t want people to look at her and think “just sex”

Red: I wish people looked at me and thought sex.
Me: I know! Obviously one day someone would see past the looks, for now I’d prefer the compliments.

She obviously needs to be on “What Not to Think”

Movie time! ... gee, it really is the little things in life.


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