Thursday, April 14, 2011


Last night I did open mic… epic failure.

By the time we realized it wasn’t the right kind of vibe for me, I was up…I walked unwillingly up the mic as my nice friends cheered obnoxiously… so not open-mic etiquette.

Me- Ummm… I uhh forgot my guitar.

Some guy- You can use mine!

Me- No, no honestly it’s fine, I know poetry…

Some guy- You sure?? It’s no problem…

Me-No really, I’m fine. I’d actually prefer to do the poem.

Some guy- Here take it…

Me- Uhh can you stop offering because if you continue, I’ll have to take the guitar and the truth is, I don’t even know how to play guitar, so I’d be improvising, probably break out in to song and you just wouldn’t like that…

… silence…

Me- here’s a poem…

Annnnd that about wrapped up the night.

Luckily the bore of last night was quickly forgotten after I saw how awesome today was!

My crazy cheerleader neighbor (I’ll refer to her as Cheerwhore) and I spent the afternoon making up a dance for the “SO COLLEGE” song that will be revealed to the public shortly.

Cheerwhore made up some dance consisting of the Dougie and Kat Daddy (spelling?). I know, I know, I too thought they were the names of the boy’s walking by, but they are actually the names of the dance moves.

Forewarning: prepare for sick moves.

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