Thursday, July 14, 2011


“Wow, you’ve really changed.” -This might be the most vague, ridiculous statement I’ve ever heard.

I overheard two “old friends” reunite this afternoon and the one says to the other, “Wow, you’ve really changed,” in a bitchy voice (or that’s how I perceived it anyways).

I couldn’t help but to imagine my response to that statement…

“Of course I’ve changed… I’m older, smarter, fatter… Fuck You. Now I’m remembering why I stopped being your friend, because you always wanted me to stay the same… It’s called growing up.”

Harsh response. (I was tired) Luckily, I avoided butting in to their conversation for fear of sounding like the bitch I thought the one girl was…

Regardless, my point is this:

Change is necessary to discover the person you ultimately want to be.

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