Tuesday, February 8, 2011

I Got Dicked

Dinosaur and I were doing dishes. DISHES.

Dick sleeps in the basement for right reasons. Great for us, Sucks for him -he hears our every step. Unfortunately for him, I eat at 9am, 10am, 12:30pm, 5pm, 7pm and 12:30am… like clockwork. I make a point to stomp across the kitchen floor at my designated eating times, for the simple purpose of annoying him.

He started banging obnoxiously on the ceiling for us to shut up, but instead I decided to bang pans together.

Around noon, Dick and I had a short text conversation:

Dick: Stop cleaning at 9:00 in the morning.
Me: Stop bringing home ugly chicks.
Dick: Stop.
Me: Someone has to do the dishes.
Dick: Stop.

I never responded and assumed the argument was over.


 Dick takes payback seriously. Although he is 28, his every day mindset is equivalent to a 13 year old boy after his first boner –excited and immature.

TV time came around, but Ellen DeGeneres was rudely disrupted by Dick barging in to my room and pouring an entire bag of Flour all over me and my life.

Dick: You want to clean? Well, have fun cleaning your room all afternoon...

What bothers me most is the fact that he never knocked on my door. Where have your manners gone old man?

45 minutes later I had showered, shoveled up four loads of laundry and vacuumed my carpet.

Total Dick move.

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